
  • "Wow... my new favorite meditation app"

    - Jordan T.

  • "The Way has transformed my focus and attention not only while at work, but just in daily life. The more I use the app, the better my focus is. I find that I am not as forgetful and foggy brained. A must have for anyone needing a mental boost."

    - Angel R.

  • "I came across The Way in my exploration for a Taoist daily practice. I was so excited as there isn't much out there in Taoist teachings and rituals. What excited me the most, was all the layers of Taoist numbers, words and symbols integrated throughout The Way. I'm so excited to be apart of this growing community of Taoist teachings and add it into my daily practice."

    - Shauna B.

  • "I'm 84 years old, I thought I had seen the best part of my life knowing what I know. Little did I know at 84, I was able to change my belief system through The Way app and its ability to help me learn new things about myself. Thank you The Way"

    - Donna W.

  • "I first started using 126 experience in The Way when I was going through a divorce. I was such a mess mentally, emotionally, physically and had no idea what spiritual even was at that point. Using the 126 experience daily for just the first week, I saw such a huge difference in my mindset. I was beginning to gain back myself. For the first time, in a long time, I actually felt empowered. By continuing to use the 126 experience, each week I was able to change bad habits, breakthrough mental walls and open my consciousness. This has been such an empowering training system to help me feel whole, after feeling so emotionally broken. I look forward to waking up with The Way app and starting off my day in mental and emotional bliss. This allows me to create a great day, EVERYDAY. I’m so happy I gave this a try, even though I was SO skeptical at first. Don't hesitate to add this into your daily routine if your looking for a refresh on your life."

    - Christy C.

  • "What a unique app experience. I have tried all the meditation apps available out there and come to the same conclusion with all of them. They're all like a bandaid, but never really fix any problems. I feel relaxed and calm, but still deal with the same mental and emotional stressors. They don't give me the tools I need to affect change, instead of having the same problems over and over again. With The Way, I feel like I'm being guided through a spiritual blueprint of change without wondering whether I’m doing it right. The daily questions and breathing techniques are so easy to follow for a beginner like me."

    - George Jr. T.

  • "My son has always had a hard time focusing and feeling anxious. We've tried lots of forms of medication and different treatments, but nothing seemed to stick. I have been doing a ton of research on holistic breathing techniques and movements when I came across the way. Its only been a few days, but he seems to enjoy doing it and it isn't a struggle getting him to do it. He likes how it tracks your progress each week and kinda feels like a video game for him. If you have a teenager with focusing issues, give this a try."

    - Rebecca V.

  • "Wow, wow, wow. I am so blown away by the 126 experience and The Way videos. I have never been more relaxed. I love doing The 126 Experience right before bed and I have the most vivid, intense dreams, that I can actually remember in the morning. It's totally wild. I can't wait to unlock the next week."

    - Sophie D.

  • "I have been in the metaphysical space for over 20 years, traveling the world to study with top gurus in buddhism, hinduism and eastern practices. I am an avid meditator through many modalities and incorporate it daily. When I came across The Way and the 126 experience, it was so different to any meditations I have done before. Most meditations work spiritually on a one-time basis. For instance, during that time they make you feel amazing, relaxed, focused, anxiety-free, and then those feelings fade until the next time you meditate. Although, with The Way each time you do this practice it adds on itself and continues to build your concentration. As someone advanced in this space, I'm so excited to be challenged and motivated through the breathing practices and meditation techniques. I think this app is amazing because it will affect both a beginner who has never meditated or a meditation sage with years of experience."

    - Jajar T.

  • "I just began to look at mediation and mindfulness a few months ago. I found the way and decided to try it. I loved how I felt after the experience, I even convinced my husband to subscribe. He has always had a hard time standing for long periods of time due to a past car accident. He has been doing the 126 experience for only 3 days and can already see a difference in the time he can stand now. I just wanted him to feel more relaxed, but it is actually helping his past injury. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't witness it myself, that just sitting listening to an app could have such an effect on him. I'm so grateful we found the way and how it transformed my husband to feel less pain."

    - Melanie A.

The Way available now

The Way's sole purpose is to empower you to acquire a greater sense of awareness. Through these practices, you will discover your true abilities, potential and the limitlessness of your true self. There is nothing more empowering than consciousness, awareness and focus realizing that you are the Master, Keeper, Creator of your reality.